TRIRUPA Mother's Fierce Protection Spray
Rs. 1,370.00
The Trirupa Shakti Spray is used to clear and protect spaces of stuck, negative energy. When you’re stuck in fear and attachment, clear the space you’re in as it may have energy elementals in it. When you’re struggling to release that which you know you need to release either in yourself or your space or when you’re space is facing a Psychic Attack.
When you feel defenceless, threatened, weakened, bullied, terrified, fearful, panicked— use the spray on yourself. Spray above your head, above both shoulders, and around your body. Careful to not let it get into your eyes.
When there is an internal or external war your fighting. When you feel pushed to the extreme.
You can also spray everyday just to create a strong fortress of protection for you’re home.
Directions: Invoke the Divine Mothers. Hold their image in your mind, pray to them to do the release. Then shake the bottle hard and spray the entire room, chanting the mantra visualising Shakti taking the discordant energy with her, leaving the room filled with dazzling Divine Light.
In Sanskrit
ॐ हरिं श्रीं कलिं अद्य कालिका परम् एष्वरी स्वा:
In English
“Om Hrim Shreem Klim Adya Kalika Param Eshwari Swaha”
Size 100ml
Price inclusive of GST
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