'Unconditional Love' Smudge - Standard Size
Rs. 1,820.00
100 gms
Meher Baba Unconditional Love smudge has all qualities of the love that God has for us—Non-judgement, faith, total acceptance of us, compassion, grace, mercy.
Smudging with it, evokes the highest vibration of Gods love and serenity into your home. Smudging yourself with it awakens the Divine quality of Unconditional Love and Devotion to the Guru within us.
From the spiritual point of view, our love, faith and devotion to God, is the most important relationship that can have.
The love that the aspirant has for God is really the response evoked by the greater love that God has for us. The fundamental requisite for a true disciple is an unquestioning love for God. All other streams of love ultimately join this great river of love and disappear in it.
Smudging yourself and home regularly with the Unconditional Love Smudge, will increase your levels of patience, ability to handle the ups and downs of life with forbearance, open your heart chakra’s ability to give and receive love, bring down negativity and judgement in your mind and life, drastically increase your faith and surrender, have you, and your family experiencing the grace of God in your life and feel safely enveloped in Gods love for you.
Directions to use: Connect to whichever form of God you love. Visualise his/ her face and eyes. Feel the love in your heart. Ask God to bless you, your family and home and give you the ability to love more. Light the coal till its red hot, put in dhoop daan with a tablespoon of smudge, first smudge yourself, especially your heart, keep adding smudge so the smoke is nice and thick and then walk around every room of the house, praying that your home is filled with love, peace and joy.
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